Division of Psychology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University, Japan

Phone & facsimile: +81-76-264-5305

1994-1997  Graduate school of socio-environmental studies, Kanazawa University
Awarded the degree of Ph.D. in psychology for a thesis entitled “An experimental study of serial learning in rats”.

Research and professional experience:
1998-1999  Postdoctoral Researcher at Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
1999-2000  Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at University of Tsukuba
2000-2001  Research Associate at Division of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kanazawa University
2001-2004  Assistant Professor at Division of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kanazawa University
2005-2008  Associate Professor at Division of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kanazawa University
2008-2015  Associate Professor at division of Psychology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University
2016-     Professor at division of Psychology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University

Editorial board of The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology (2003-2014)
Director of Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan
Editorial board of Bulletin of Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan


Research in Taniuchi lab

Radial arm maze learning in tortoise


Radial arm maze learning in fish: Goldfish and zebrafish

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Directed forgetting in rats using radial maze


Serial learning: Rats learn to climb over four barriers according to fixed order (A-B-C-D).


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Instrumental learning in newts. Training in straight runway and T maze.

Discrimination learning in pigs (joint study with Ishikawa prefectural University)

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Counting of object stimuli by rats

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Same/Different relationa learning in rats

Sexual conditioning in rats (CS: object, US: copulation with female)

